









#1: 切工 – 23位专家(56%)

#2: 切工 – 23位专家(56%)

#3: 预算 – 10位专家(24%)

#4: 珠宝商选择与亲眼看钻石 – 9名专家(22%)

#5: 克拉&颜色 – 8位专家(20%)


Each of the 40 experts has to list 3 most important factors of buying a diamond. If they listed more than 3 in their response, only the first 3 factors are taken into account.

Derivation of the figures above: Number of times mentioned / Total number of interviewees * 100%

e.g. Cut was mentioned 23 times. 23/41 * 100 = 56%


Who Are The Industry Experts?

Here are my criteria for selecting people for the interview. In order to be classified as an expert, the person would have to fall under one or more of the following categories:

1) Must have undergone proper gemological training.

2) Own or work in a diamond jewelry business (online or offline is fine).

3) Have at least 1-2 years of hands-on experience in dealing with diamonds.

Outreach Program to Interview Experts

A few weeks ago, I started emailing professionals in the industry with the following question:

“Imagine yourself as a consumer. If you were shopping for a diamond for yourself, what are the 3 most important factors that would affect your choice and why?

e.g. seeing diamond in person, color, online store, friend’s recommendation, grading reports, carat size, cut, vendor’s policy, setting design, budget etc… or any other factors (there’s no right or wrong opinions here).”

* I used a program to randomize the order of the listed factors and their appearances in each email to lower the possibility of instilling bias from the question.


Cut is the by far the biggest factor and more half of the experts list it as one of their top 3 factors when choosing a diamond. If you think about it, cut has the largest impact of the sparkle and brilliance of the diamond. It’s easy to understand why it topped the chart. After all, who wouldn’t want a beautiful looking diamond?

The next factor (#2)  might raise some eyebrows. Approximately 30% of the experts stated the need for a reliable lab report. Yes, you heard that right; and I know what you are probably thinking about now.

Why would an expert require a lab report when buying a diamond? Don’t they already have the necessary skillsets and experience to determine a diamond’s quality themselves?

Well, for starters, let me tell you that it isn’t that easy to grade a diamond without the necessary conditions in place. For example, trying to precisely grade an F color from a G color mounted diamond under a jewelry store’s lighting would be immensely difficult even to someone with years of experience.

On top of that, detecting synthetics and treated diamonds may not be straightforward without proper lab testing equipment. That’s why a reliable 3rd party grading report (e.g. from GIA) will offer assurance that you are getting a diamond of the described quality.

In comparison, based on my experience with consumers, there are many people who don’t really understand the need for a reliable grading report. The takeaway here is: if the experts themselves are demanding a grading report for their purchase, doesn’t that speak volumes about its importance?

Lastly, if you take a look at the full list of responses, it appears that the experts make their choices based on similar concerns a typical consumer has! Isn’t that amazing to know that they aren’t that different from you or me?


Danielle Max Calla Gold Nikolay Piryankov Jonathon Ohayon
Alisha Ball Rajkumar Evert P. Botha Brad Bass
David Atlas Mark Johnson Anna-Mieke Anderson Barbara Chambers
Gary L. Smith Judith Rosby David Friedlander Lisa Krikawa
Melissa Spivak Nathan Munn Nissan Perla Dan Gillen
Eric Stevens Rob Watkins Frank Damiani Julia Lawrence
Andrew Fabrikant Rich Goldberg Robert Hensley Alan Lowe
James Allen Nancy Stacy Perry Hannah Nikhil Jogia
Marc Sarosi Stephanie Rosenlund Russell Shor Idar Bergseth
Michael Lebowitz Arthur DeMello Arthur Anton Christine Huber
Bryan Boyne * Brian Gavin


Danielle Max – IDEX杂志总编

danielle max



最后,自觉购买是一个非常重要的考虑 – 不仅在购买钻石时,而且购买任何东西时都是如此。因此,我想知道我在从谁那里购买。我想确保我在购买钻石的公司是一家“好”公司。

例如,它们是否符合AML和KP?它们是否是负责任的珠宝理事会等组织的成员,它们要做什么来回馈给世界 – 例如,它们是否有企业社会责任(CSR)计划到位呢?

Alisha Ball – Ice.com

alisha ball


从负责任的来源选择钻石 – 起源或钻石来自哪里是选择钻石最重要的方面之一。我正在寻找来自一家有兴趣和奉献精神的企业的环保和道义上引致的岩石,以提供有保障的可追踪和人道来源的钻石。


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Finding out a diamonds origin is the first thing I want to know. Where did my diamond come from? Who found my stone and what makes it special? I want a stone I can tell my grandchildren stories about. I want to wear a diamond from a business that not only abides by the Kimberly Process initiative, but also provides a diamond that is guaranteed humanely derived and traceable to the very mine where it was discovered.

The Character is in the Cut – Another diamond must-have is a well-cut diamond. The cut of the stone determines the overall size, brilliance and effect, and denotes the personal character of wearer. Any jeweler will tell you that well-cut diamond is a necessity for sparkle and scintillation and can balance out any internal inclusions or color overtones.

I personally prefer a more unique cut and I love the option of recycled and hand-cut diamonds. While these diamonds may not have the brilliance of laser-cut diamonds, they do display that special artistry and history that is rarely seen in modern day cuts.

Furthermore, cut determines the shape, and therefore, the overall appearance of the diamond and can elicit the personal style of the wearer. If you have shorter fingers like me, look for emerald or oval-cut diamonds that lengthen and balance the look of your hands. After all, I plan on wearing my diamond forever.

Warranty and Care is Key– I always encourage my clients to seek a warranty or replacement program. Ensuring that your diamond, a true investment, is secure is probably the most important factor when finalizing your decision. Personally, I will only purchase from a business that will replace a diamond with another of similar value and appearance due to loss, theft, crack, chipping, etc. Trustworthy companies that offer warranty and insurance options with partial or full coverage of the diamond are the way to go.

Diamonds are an investment as much as they are symbolic, and having a safety net for this investment is an absolute necessity. With a guaranteed warranty, I also prefer to use a company that provides lifetime diamond care. Look for a business that provides a care and cleaning program on top of a warranty. The cut may make the diamond sparkle, but keeping it clean and secure is vital.

David Atlas,宝石学家和评估师 – D. Atlas & Co. 

david atlas



1. 根据您的支付能力和关系的需求,选择可承担的预算。坚持预算。

2. 建立适合您的预算和期望的重量、颜色、净度和形状的适当平衡

3. 找出所有关于“切工质量”、光返回特性和质量参数或钻石光行为的所有信息,让您更好地了解如何购买美丽的钻石。

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The above three suggestions apply to all diamond purchasers.

For those who can afford to pay for one or two more quality issues within your budget, then you ought to go for GIA tripe EX or for even a bit more go for AGS 000 graded diamonds. You need not purchase the finest cut diamonds unless you want that sort of perfection.

Most consumers have no real idea about cut quality or light return and they buy simply based on what limited selection they have seen. Consumers who are more educated and more aware, have a more challenging job, but one with the benefit of potentially getting a better looking diamond.

Gary L. Smith – 美国评估师协会会长

logo asa

1. “实体”馆 – 这样,如果有了问题,我有人可找。您在互联网上找谁呢?他们的钻石是从哪里来的呢?

2. 知识渊博的销售人员 – 可以解释各种切工之间的差异以及能够准确解释钻石的颜色和净度评级的人。

不要相信钻石附带的证书永远是准确的。与经认可的评估师(ASA – MGA)合作进行双重检查。

3. 确保您交易的商店是有信誉的 – 例如要求其会员订阅道德守则的AGS(美国宝石协会)珠宝商。有很多“潜逃逃债”操作,您不想拥有钻石被歪曲的买家悔悟,不想让您做的最浪漫和特别的购买蒙污。

Melissa Spivak – Samuel Kleinberg珠宝店珠宝设计师

mel photoshoot color

如果我在购买钻石,我最看重的3个因素是GIA钻石证书、钻石切工设置的工艺。 GIA是您可以获得的最有信誉的钻石证书,它们是创建4C的实验室,当您拥有GIA认证的钻石时,您就知道证书将与钻石相匹配,就可以放心。

对于所有的其它证书,在大多数情况下,有些事情会被省去。消费者了解证书之间的区别非常重要。我经常与我的客户谈论证书之间的差异,并确保他们明白 – 如果他们要进行价格比较,他们需要同类比较。您不能将GIA认证的钻石与EGL或Gemscan等认证的钻石进行比较。


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Every client has different ingredients as to what will be the perfect diamond for them. Some want size over quality, some want quality over size and some want a balance between the two. And because I don’t stock loose diamonds I can find a stone with the right ingredients for them.

Often times people shopping for an engagement ring spend so much time focusing on the diamond and they forget that the setting is also extremely important. This ring is going to be worn everyday and the setting needs to stand up to a lot of wear and tear. Most consumers don’t understand the manufacturing process, and that there are different ways to create a ring and different levels of quality.

I explain the manufacturing process to my clients so that they can appreciate the quality of the ring they are going to be purchasing/wearing. Every single ring is custom made around the specs of the diamond that they pick. Every claw is going to be at the right height, every diamond is going to be set at the same level and we use fresh gold for every casting.

I believe it’s also important to go to a place where they aren’t pushing you on their stock. Most retailers/wholesalers keep stock and they need to move their inventory. Often times, they educate their clients based on what they have to move. It’s important to understand all the factors and be able to pick the diamond that is perfect for you. Make sure you go to someone who will educate you and give you full disclosure on what you are purchasing.

You want to feel good and confident with one of the most important purchases of your life.

Eric Stevens – Stevens Diamond珠宝店店主

eric stevens

1. 切工。虽然许多专家可能会说克拉,我会先选择切工非常好的钻石而不是大钻石。切工决定了钻石的辉煌度。许多人将切工与形状混淆,但钻石的切工是指钻石的数学比例。当钻石被切成行业接受的理想比例标准时,与切工不理想的钻石不同,它将发出光芒。

2. 颜色。肉眼容易看到颜色或颜色不足。我会亲自选择一种无色或近于无色的钻石,原因如下。首先,钻石越白越罕见。 (不包括非常罕见的天然花式彩色钻石)


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It is in alphabetical order and starts with the letter D and ends with the letter Z. D, E, and F are colorless and the whitest range for a diamond. Near colorless diamonds range from G through J and as they progress, they begin to become less white and show a slight tint of yellow.

From K through Z the diamonds begin to show more yellow progressively down the scale. Although diamonds naturally occur in many different colors and shades, traditionally this spectrum which is referred to natural white diamonds are the most common.

3. Clarity. Although not as important to a diamond’s visible beauty, my choices would be based on rarity. With this being said I would not want to over compensate in this category. The clarity of a diamond is based on internal characteristics of the diamond. Generally referred to as flaws or inclusions, there can be a variety or lack of internal characteristics in a diamond.

Diamond clarity grading is done under 10x magnification and depending on the clarity grade, internal blemishes may not be visible to the naked eye. This is where I would avoid overkill. The diamond clarity from best to worst begins with Flawless. FL or Flawless it then progresses to IF or internally flawless both are extremely rare.

Then the scale moves to VVS or very, very slight imperfection. In this and following ranges. there is a number 1 or 2 assigned to each grade to show the degree of the internal characteristics. Then there is VS or very slight imperfection, SI slight imperfection and finally I or imperfect.

In the imperfect range, there are three degrees I1, I2, I3 – progressively showing more internal characteristics. Generally in the imperfect range, the characteristics are visible to the naked eye. With that being said, I would rather have a diamond in the VS1-VS2 range in which the internal characteristics are small and very difficult to see under 10x magnification.

I addressed 3 of the 4 C’s, but these are the most important in choosing a diamond. The order I prefer may be different than someone else’s. But with twenty five years of experience and after viewing tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of diamonds, I feel these make the best balance and guide when shopping for a diamond.

The 4th C, which is carat or the weight of the diamond is a personal preference when shopping. It does affect rarity but also cost. If I were on a fixed budget, I would sacrifice size before any other of my choices when choosing a diamond.

Andrew Fabrikant – Fab On 5th

Andrew Fabrikant


预算:我会先考虑我的预算,因为您可以花多少钱确定了4 c的很多。我会试着留在预算内,多不会多于10%,少不会少于10%。具有正确知识的良好钻石销售人员将帮助您在预算范围内找到合适的钻石。

亲眼看钻石:钻石比4 c更多,亲眼看钻石可以帮助您决定。能够看到彼此相邻的几颗钻石是找到最好的钻石的好方法。此外,要总是确保您接受的唯一实验室报告是来自美国宝石研究所(GIA)的报告。


James Allen – JamesAllen.com 联合创始人

Jim S




最后,我想要一个我可以信任和知道他们业务的品牌。我不想给她一个表现“eBay”的盒子,也不想从也卖草坪设备的公司购买。我想确保我在信用卡上花了几千美元我可以睡得很好、知道我的戒指是完美制作的,同样重要的 – 如果我有什么问题,他们会有我可以全天候打电话寻求帮助的客服。

Marc Sarosi – Africa Gems 店主

Marc Sarosi





Michael Lebowitz – White Pine Trading 珠宝部主管

Michael Lebowitz, White Pine Trading




Bryan Boyne – Whiteflash 副总裁

bryan borne




Calla Gold – Calla Gold Jewelry 店主和设计师

calla gold




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I’m reminded of the “K” color diamond story. My client Sue gave my card to her boyfriend Joe to look at diamond with. But Joe heard from his buddies that you could do far better at the LA Jewelry mart. So down he went and got her a 1ct K color SI1 diamond. It had looked great under the intense diamond lights and he hadn’t learned about color grades. Hi figured, “It looks good, it’s a carat and I can afford it.” He bought a pre-made engagement ring and had the 1 carat popped in. The engagement ring had tiny side diamonds which were G color.

The third day Sue wore her ring, her center diamond looked positively grey. She showed it to me and I said, “anytime that diamond gets a bit dirty and darkens up a bit it just looks grey.” I sold her an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner and she cleaned it every other day. After they’d been married for a year, she asked for an upgrade diamond and said she’d like to pick it. We found her a beautiful G color diamond. She paid the lion’s share of the upgrade cost because a grey diamond was not what she wanted to be wearing.

A compromise colored diamond can be really disappointing and a constant reminder of wrongness. I’d choose a smaller carat size to get a better color and clarity if that was the budget.

Rajkumar – Fascinating Diamonds 总裁








The Cut And Color of a Diamond:

Cut is the sole factor that stimulates a diamond’s brilliance, fire, and sparkle. A diamond’s beauty greatly depends on cut more than any other factor. Thus, it is of utmost importance for me to buy a diamond with a superior cut. Also, I feel a diamond’s color speaks volumes about this eternal stone, thus I also bear this aspect in mind while buying a diamond.

There are many other factors to be taken into consideration when buying a diamond but these factors top the list.

Mark Johnson – Serendipity Diamonds 店主

mark johnson






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These reviews provide valuable information on the experiences of previous clients. There may also be valuable product information. It would be important to have a direct line of contact to the company. A simple email or phone call will often determine how easy it is to contact the company. Important when buying an expensive item of jewellery.

Following these 3 priorities, there are many further factors, relating to many other details. From the return policy, to product specification, standard of certification, diamond cut grade and warranty. Most savvy purchasers should search for a seller who provides a good balance across all factors.

Judith Rosby – Leibish & Co. 公司市场传播总监

Judith Rosby




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When a colorless diamond is cut well, it has an amazing sparkle, and can give the appearance of being a bigger diamond than it actually is. Although some people prefer diamond cuts with less of a sparkle, such as the Emerald cut, the Round Brilliant cut still remains the most popular of all because it is beautiful, classy, and sparkles like the sun.

The final factor that would most significantly affect my choice would be the carat size. Although the cut of the diamond and the setting of the ring can significantly affect the look of your center diamond, the most useful tip to get a diamond of the size that you’d like without paying the accompanying price tag is to buy approximately the carat size that you wanted. Once you reach carat sizes of significant increments, such as 1.00 or 2.00, the price of the diamond will rise.

However, a 0.98 carat diamond looks very similar to a 1.00 carat diamond, but will cost significantly less! The same is true for a diamond that weighs 2.90 carats – it may look like a 3 carat diamond, but won’t cost it. This information is most useful to people who would like a larger diamond, although there are definitely people who this does not concern, and the shape, clarity or brand name will be of more importance.

At the end of the day, jewelry is mostly about personal taste. However, this does not mean that your diamond needs to be sub-par! Depending on the type of diamond in question, different factors will be the most important in choosing your ideal purchase. However, the most important thing to remember is that since you are the one wearing the diamond every day, and getting the most enjoyment out of it, your final selection should be exactly what you have always dreamed of – and nothing less!

Take some time to find the exact style that suits you, by browsing the main diamond merchants online and narrowing down the styles that you like. You may even find it useful to follow a favorite diamond company on social media to see what advice, offers, and news they have to offer, as the professionals are just bursting with information that they can’t wait to share with you, and help you when you need it!

Nathan Munn – Polygon.net业内分析师兼研究员

Nathan Munn





Rob Watkins – Hamra Jewelers 钻石专家

rob watson





Rich Goldberg – Safian & Rudolph Jewelers 珠宝商总裁

rich goldberg

1.切工 – 您可以有一颗惊人的D无瑕疵、完美的颜色和净度的钻石,但如果它切工不好,那么它将不会有任何生命和闪耀度。切工是关于钻石是如何刻面和成比例的,并确定钻石的光折射和闪烁度。

2. 形状 – 形状有助于定义个性。例如,圆形亮式切工是非常经典的,而许多人认为带有四角的公主切工更前卫更现代。

3.大小 – 钻石的大小也可以反映个性。例如,一颗更大的戒指是更经典并更独立出来的,而一只平铺指环往往更加微妙和以设计为导向。

Nancy Stacy – Jewelry Appraisal 大师级宝石学家评估师

nancy stacy




在稍微更好的颜色或稍微更好的净度之间选择时,我倾向于更好的颜色。我不会出于任何原因购买低于“很好”切工的钻石。在我看来,“好(good)”是指“坏”。我不会在没有坚实的现金退款退货政策的情况下买入未看见的钻石 – 在我承诺保留之前,我一直想看到钻石。

Stephanie Rosenlund – Jewelry Judge

Stephanie Rosenlund

如果我买钻石,我最关心的是切工而不是形状,是钻石切工是多么的好。 GIA和AGS证书都有切工分数,但AGS更为全面。




Arthur DeMello – 美国国家宝石学实验室宝石学评估师

Arthur DeMello

My 3 important things would be the same things that affect my purchase of everything else.

1. 销售后谁会照顾任何问题?

2. 我在市场上支付的是正在购买的东西的公平价吗?

3 .我的购买是对未来的好投资吗?

Nikolay Piryankov – Rare Pink 首席执行官

Nikolay Piryankov





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As the retailer, I would mention that the number of diamonds in circulation that can be considered to be of conflict origin is far lower than movies like Blood Diamond would have you believe; especially because of the steps taken to not allow them into circulation and because there are far fewer diamond producing countries in conflict than there were a decade ago.

Finally, as the retailer I would like the customer to know that even though Zimbabwean diamonds are within the Kimberley Process, we have chosen to still not offer diamonds of this origin due to the oppressive regime that governs the Zimbabwean people.

At this point, I would hope the customer is relatively at ease in terms of our sourcing policy and I would move on to the next two most important factors.

2. What is a grading report, is it important and which laboratory should I trust?

A grading report is a document that helps to identify the characteristics of your diamond. This is an appraisal and therefore it is someone’s opinion of your diamond and not facts set in stone. For this reason, you would want the opinion of someone who is highly qualified and very strict in their standards.

The most trusted lab in terms of quality and strictness in without a doubt, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). There are other labs out there, but test after test shows that the GIA is most consistent in its grading.

As a customer, I would like to know that the retailer’s diamonds are GIA graded, else I would be paying for a diamond that may or may not be as described in its report.

3. Finally, I would like to know which factor in a diamond’s characteristics is most important.

This is not an easy question to answer as it depends on individual preferences. In my opinion, I would answer, a diamond’s “cut” is the most important factor and one where you should demand the highest grade possible; “excellent”.

Cut is one of the few factors in a polished diamond that is affected by people as opposed to time and nature. The way a diamond has been cut affects its fire, brilliance and sparkle, thus distinguishing a diamond from a less valuable alternative.

Evert P. Botha – Canadian Diamond Cutters 首席运营官

Evert P. Botha

1.)切工至上。如果将钻石切成最高标准 – AGS 000或理想,它就执行切工至上了 –AGS体系是无可置疑的。



Anna-Mieke Anderson – MiaDonna & Co. 首席执行官

anna mieke

1. 钻石的起源




3. 成本


David Friedlander – Diamonds By Lauren 总裁

David Friedlander


1)上网,并做店内研究,以细化了解我想要的钻石的形状和颜色。如果可能的话,我会尝试戴戒指,把我的钱包放在家里。 :)





Nissan Perla – The Diamond Registry 总裁

nissan perla




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Configuring the varying quality grades of the 4Cs will help you to find a diamond that matches your preference and fits your budget. If you want a slightly larger stone, you can increase the carat weight and lower the color, cut and clarity grades to keep it within your budget. But if you value the internal quality more, then you can lower the carat size and increase one of the other 4Cs.

Make sure that you exclude the middlemen from the process and buy as closely to the source as possible. Look for companies that sell at wholesale prices – which are considerably lower than retail prices due to lower overhead costs and less spending on glossy advertising.

Lastly, only buy diamonds that have been graded and certified. For this I would recommend the GIA as it is the most authoritative gem lab, with an internationally recognized quality standard and accuracy.

Yet it all starts with carat, color and cut. You may enjoy the technology in your car, but you fall in love with the way it feels like to drive it. With diamonds: carat size, color and cut determine what it feels like to wear it.

Frank Damiani – Frank Damiani珠宝商总裁

Frank Damiani





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The colour of the inclusion? Is the material shiny and transparent? Does the stone flouresce? Extra facet?

Am I going to die soon? Should I retire? Why am I doing this? I make more money in the stock market!

This is what I think about when I buy a diamond.

(one last one, What am I going to eat for lunch?)

Robert Hensley – Diamond Helpers公司高级钻石顾问

Robert Hensley


1 — 选择您的珠宝商


2 — 选择实验室


3 — 选择切工评级


Perry Hannah – All Diamonds FGAA

perry hannah


2) 夹杂物 – 它们是否达到表面? GIA不告诉我们这一点。

3) 光泽 – GIA也不告诉我们。有时,如果光泽没有受到影响,那么发出荧光的钻石并不是坏买的钻石。

Russell Shor – GIA 高级行业分析师

russell shor

1. 始终要求GIA提供独立的评级报告。这是保证钻石具有卖方所表达的质量。钻石评级报告详细介绍了钻石的宝石质量。它介绍了钻石是天然的还是合成的、钻石是否被处理过以及如何处理过、钻石在每个4C中的排名和质量等级。

任何GIA钻石评级报告中包含的信息的验证都可以通过“报告检查”、GIA的安全在线数据库或通过GIA 4C应用程序直接访问来获得。

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2. Recognize that, unless you have an unlimited budget, there is a trade-off between size and quality. For example, a top grade (D or E color, Flawless or VVS clarity) half carat diamond will cost roughly the same as a lower quality (L or M color, I2 clarity) two carat stone. Once mounted into jewelry, these subtle differences become difficult to discern, so finding a balance between size and quality is really a matter of the buyer’s preferences.

3. One “C” that should not be compromised on is the quality of cut: this is what gives a diamond its life by bringing out its fire and brilliance. GIA grades the cut of round brilliant cut diamonds on a scale from excellent to poor; the difference between an excellent cut and a fair or poor cut stone is obvious.

Arthur Anton – Anton Nash LLC ICGA/GJG(GIA)

arthur anton

1. 看钻石

2 .H或更好以及Si1或更好


Jonathon Ohayon – Brilliance.com 首席运营官

Jonathon Ohayon





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Carat represents the physical weight of a diamond, while the dimensions (described in millimeters) tell you how large it is and allows you to compare diamonds of similar weight more easily.

Moreover, diamonds are priced per carat and not per actual size. Therefore, you can save money by shopping for a 0.93 carat that has the same specifications and dimension size as a 1.01 carat.

2. Diamond Color. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to color. All factors being equal, diamond color can sometimes be the most costly if you move up in the color range (or can save you the most money when moving down). Because of the different grading standards of certification, (not even mentioning the jewelers that still sell diamonds that are uncertified) most buyers don’t have a clue of how a genuine, near colorless diamond (G-J) can appear.

Purchasing a near colorless diamond rather than a colorless diamond will allow you to either save money on a stone of your chosen size, or purchase a larger stone. To determine your comfortable color range, arrange to go to a local jeweler and view only GIA certified diamonds.

3. Where you buy your diamond. As important as it is to select a high-quality diamond, you also need to give equal importance to where you buy your diamond. Do they have good policies? Are they honest and transparent? How have they been rated online?

Considering some recent horror stories with local jewelers selling fake or enhanced diamonds, selecting an honest jeweler should be a concern. Don’t be impressed by the look of a store or online site. Instead, do your research and make sure you are working with a trustworthy business.

Brad Bass – LuminaGem LLC 研究生宝石学家(GIA)

brad bass





Barbara Chambers – Garth’s Auctions Inc. 珠宝专家

final verbiage






Lisa Krikawa – Krikawa珠宝设计 CEO/设计师

Lisa Krikawa




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GIA or AGS Certified: Not all diamond certification labs can be compared like apples to apples. You might think you are getting a great deal on that H color, VS2 clarity diamond, but if you look closely, and you see that it is NOT certified by GIA or AGS, it might actually not even BE an H-VS2.

It might be a J-I1, in which case, it is worth exactly what you are paying for it. It might be clarity enhanced or laser drilled and filled. In which case, God help you if you take your ring in for retipping and it explodes while the jeweler is soldering the new tips on.

The bottom line is that there aren’t many really great diamond deals out there. The pricing is going to be accurate for what the diamond ACTUALLY IS. How do you know what the diamond actually is? Make sure it is GIA or AGS certified.

Cut: This is the only thing that man (or woman) does to the stone (unless it is enhanced). If you are going to invest in a diamond, choose one that is well cut. For a round diamond, GIA will tell you what the light performance is (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Poor, Fair).

For other shapes, get help from a knowledgeable diamond sales professional when choosing your diamond; proper angles and proportions of the cut can make a huge difference to the sparkle, fire and scintillation of your stone.

Dan Gillen – Diamond Envy GIA G.G.

dan gillen






Julia Lawrence, The Diamond Lining

julia lawrence



2)其次,我将总是大小取整。一颗1.02克拉的钻石比0.98克拉重的钻石价格更高很多。当交易或销售钻石(我们在The Diamond Lining专注的东西)时,额外的少许重量使您的钻石更有价值,更容易售出。

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3) Finally, a slightly counter intuitive piece of advice: make sure you like it! Diamonds are like snowflakes; each one is different and unique. The 5 C’s and all the paperwork in the world can’t tell you if you are going to love the diamond until you see it on your finger or ear.

Use every other criteria to help narrow down your options. But of those options, choose the diamond that catches your eye. Pick the one that speaks to you. If you haven’t found that stone yet, keep looking and accept nothing less.

Alan Lowe – EGL South Africa 董事总经理

alan lowe





Nikhil Jogia – Jogia Diamonds International 董事总经理

nikhil jogia

就个人而言,我想要一个完整的分析 – IS / ASET图像、照片或许360度视频。这让我比通过在珠宝石中观看钻石更了解钻石。



Idar Bergseth – Idar Bergseth设计公司店主

idar bergesth




3. 我现在已经看过他们,我只会购买一颗“Forevermark”品牌的钻石。它们看起来比一般的钻石更亮,更壮观。我不认为我会再买非“Forevermark”品牌的钻石了!

Christine Huber – ChristineHuberDesign.com

Christine Huber




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The third and one of the more obvious factors would be the clarity of a stone. Not only does a higher clarity stone make it more rare and sought after but it also let’s a diamond reflect light internally with out interruption. Before light gets returned back up through the table, the interior of the diamond works like a house of mirrors.

Light bounces all around and gets dispersed into colors of the prism as it exits the stone, so anything in the way will hinder that. But the type, size and number of inclusions are also important in affecting the quality of the diamond. So, seeing the stone in real life will let you see how these different factors work together in creating a lovely stone.

Sometimes if the inclusions are clear, and off to the side it may make the stone have a lower clarity grade. But if they are small enough and placed in such a way, they might not visually impact the stones beauty.

So it comes back to being able to see the stone itself and the different factors come together to make a stone a gem!

Brian Gavin – BrianGavinDiamonds.com 创建人

brian gavin

切工 – 钻石如何是切工管理一切。

您从谁那里买 – 珠宝商是否有声望?他们知道他们在做什么吗?他们会为您提供所有信息还是提供错误信息?

钻石报告 – 您想要一个很好的、关于您买的是什么钻石的参考。

预算 – 决定预算,然后调整不同的变量(4Cs)。





#1:切工- 23位专家(56%)

#2:实验室报告 – 12位专家(29%)

#3:预算 – 10位专家(24%)

#4:珠宝商选择与亲自看钻石 – 9名专家(22%)

#5:克拉和颜色 – 8位专家(20%)




